Friday, April 1

I don't know why I laughed at that...

I've been feeling this creeping guilt deep in my impressive ab-encrusted gut because I didn't keep true to my personal blogging promise to post at least once a week. How can I ever hope to built a two hundred-foot solid gold statue of myself riding a moose in the middle of Canada if I can't even write a stupid blog post at least once a week??

What a disgrace.

So anyway, my friend Annie told me some wonderful anti-jokes the other day, and I thought I'd share some of my favorites with you, since of course it is Fish Day in France.


Q: What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? 
A: The Holocaust.


Q: Why did the black man buy 3 boxes of condoms? 
A: Because he practices safe sex and they were on sale.


Horse walks into a bar. 
Bartender says, "Hey, buddy, why the long face?" 
Horse says, "My wife is dying of terminal cancer."


Knock Knock.
Who's there?
The police, your entire family died in a car accident.


Q: What did one lawyer say to the other lawyer?
A: We are both lawyers.


Q: How do you get a clown off of a swing?
A: You hit him with an ax.


I don't want to overwhelm you with too many tasteless attempts at humor in one post. There's about six too many here.

It was in the very least amusing to see the range of reactions these jokes get. My friends seem to appreciate them, seeing as we start to do that awkward silent laughing if one of these bad boys is delivered correctly in the right situation. 

My mom, on the other hand, just sort of doesn't say anything after I tell one...

But anyway. I digress. Go home. Yoke's on you.


  1. PS, in my home town in Northern Alberta, there is a giant moose-horse statue.

  2. I once hit an actual clown with an actual axe. The results were only funny to half of the people watching.

  3. Come back! There is a gaping hole in my blog-reading and I'm feeling selfish :D

  4. Next time I'm stuck in an unwanted conversation, I'm busting out one of these - it seems like it should work. Excellent stuff.

    (Hi, by the way - I just found your blog yesterday and I love your writing!)
